Gracie's Pretties by Teri Neitring

If you have a special little girl in your life, you definitely need to check out Gracie's Pretties by Teri Neitring. She makes amazing dresses, tutus, headbands, and much more. Please make sure to check out her facebook page here. It was such a pleasure working with Teri and her adorable little models!

Baby A

Baby A was such a sweet girl for our session at only 6 days old.


Little Family Farm

I can't believe Halloween is almost here. It is definitely one of my favorite days of the year. Not only is it fun watching the kids dress up in their costumes, but I also get to celebrate my son's birthday. This year my friends and I thought it would be fun dressing up the kids and taking them to Little Family Farm a few minutes away in Whetstone, AZ. All the kids had such a great time.

Labor Day Fun
